symptoms of cancer

Your little carelessness will make you lose your eyes forever.symptoms of cancer

symptoms of cancer.We know about cancers like oral, lung , breast, uterine. But what most people don’t know is cancer also occurs in the eyes. Many people suffer from eye cancer because of ignorance and neglect. Here is the information about eye cancer.

01. How does eye cancer occur?

If the cells in the eye tissue undergo a change and grow faster than the other cells, it can cause to abnormal cell growth. This can occur as a tumor condition.

This abnormal growth of the eye is referred to as primary eye cancer or internal cancer of the eye.

02. The symptoms of eye cancer.

The symptoms of eye cancer can be difficult to distinguish from other eye diseases. Poor vision is the most common symptom of eye cancer

The main feature is the appearance of floating images of transparent shimmer, like dots or worms. Sometimes a tiny black dot appears in one area of ​​the eye and it size and shape can vary. Only an ophthalmologist can diagnose this condition.

Abnormal growth of the internal tissue of the eye is common in eye cancer. This is called abnormal overgrowth of cells in three parts of the eye tissue.

03. Retinoblastoma.

Retinal cancer (Retinoblastoma) most commonly reported in children under 5 years of age.

This can be detected by the appearance of the pupil in one eye different from the other eye.

Swelling of the lymph nodes in the interior of the eye can spread throughout the lymphatic system. It also has lymph nodes. Those lymph nodes may develop into a cancer condition.

Their symptoms vary from person to person.

04. Conjunctiva Melanoma Cancer.

This cancer can occur along the outer part of the eyeball and  between the innermost part of the eyelids. In the early stages of it can be seen as a black dot or a pimple.

05. Lacrimal Gland Cancer.

This is a very rare form of cancer. This cancer is occur by the tear glands in the eye. These glands are located in the upper and lower corners of the eye.

06. Eyelid Cancer.

It begins as a skin cancer and can develop on the outside of the eyelids. Most common is on the lower eyelid.

07. Secondary eye cancer.

A cancer in another organ of the body it can spread and affect to the eyes. It is a secondary eye cancer.

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Be aware of this before wearing sunglasses

Do you wear sunglasses? Be aware of this before lose your eyes.

Wearing sunglasses is common in today’s society, from infant to adult. It is used by many people as a protection and a fashion.Be aware of this before wearing sunglasses

Wearing sunglasses is an intelligent way to minimize damage to the eyes when exposed to sunlight.

But did you know, wearing variety of sunglasses for safety or fashion can damage your eyes.

Sunglasses is in the market in a variety of colors, types and styles. And they come in a variety of prices.
Therefore, before using sunglasses as a fashion, it is important to be aware of the damage to the eyes by the sunglasses.

So be aware of these things before using sunglasses.


Be aware of this before wearing sunglasses
Be aware of this before wearing sunglasses

By wearing sunglasses, you can minimize damage from the sunshine to your eyes.

But before using sunglasses you need to consider what kind of sunglasses mtching for you.

A various types sunglasses are available for sale in many places of nowadays. But the quality of such sunglasses is very low and the medication exhaust by the lenses of these sunglasses can damaging your eyes.

Therefore, buying sunglasses on pavements can be harmful to you. To buy quality sunglasses, it is important to visit an Optical Shop.

If you want to use sunglasses, you should first consult an ophthalmologist and examine your eyes. Therefore, you should seek medical advice to choose a sunglasses that matching your eyes.

It is also good for the protection of your eyes.

If you are wearing sunglasses on medical advice, you should always keep your sunglasses clean. And it is only suitable for your individual use.

After returning from a trip, sunglasses should be wiped with a clean piece of the cloth.

Most people use Contact Lenses. So contact Lenses is also a risky activity. If you using contact lenses, it is best to seek medical advice.

So, if you wear sunglasses for fashion and safety, definitely be aware these things and use sunglasses.Be aware of this before wearing sunglasses


Side effects of cool water

Be aware of this before drinking cool drinks for thirst. Only if you love your life.

Food and water are essential fuel for the human body. So, if these fuels are not used properly, there will be problems in the body.Side effects of cool water

Often, we choose simple and fastest foods and drinks. Because, we think that it is enough to eat or drink only when we are feeling hungry and thirsty.

What do you most like to drink when you are thirsty?
If we ask you, what is your answer?
The answer you give without thinking twice is, cool water or cool drinks.

But do you know, drinking cool water or cool drinks for thirst will make your body sick?

No matter how much you drink cool drinks for thirst, it is useless. Because of its flavoring and ingredients, you get thirsty again. Furthermore, cool drinks can cause dehydration.

The majority of the soft drinks are high in sugar, even though they indicate low sugar content. Accordingly , ranking these drinks increases your body’s insulin levels. This can cause to diabetes.

Now you know how to make additional diseases by drinking cool drinks for thirst.

This also increases the risk of pancreatic cancer. Drinking too much cool drinks in particular can increase the risk of breast cancer.

For all these reasons, it is important to drink a glass of normal water, no matter how thirsty you may feel.

Also, cool drinks are not good for heart patients and diabetics. Because , this is one of the main causes of body fat deposition. Newer tests have shown that drinking two glasses of soft drink a day can cause death.

By drinking soft drinks for thirst, your body will gradually begin to disable.

Drinking soft drinks can cause impair of brain function. Because the chemical and flavorful ingredients contained in cool drinks break down the protein balance in the brain.

It can lead to complications such as dysfunction, lack of empathy, and lack of memory.

And it also causes the skin to wrinkle and become ugly.

Now you understand how dangerous it is to drink cool drinks for thirst.Side effects of cool water