Health Benefits of Beer. Here is the 07 benefits

Many health experts say that there are many  health benefits of beer. Many people think that these are unhealthy, there are many health benefits of this  that we are not aware of. But keep in mind these should be consumed in moderation. “Consuming in moderation” is usually defined as up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men who consume these. But we also advise not to start drinking if you are not already a beer drinker. So today we are going to talk about some of the health benefits of beer.

Health Benefits of Beer.

1. A nutritious alcoholic drink.

In general, alcoholic drinks are not good for health. Although there are cases where beer has been proven to be healthier than other beverages. You probably know that wine is rich in antioxidants. Beer is similarly rich in antioxidants. It has more protein and B vitamins than wine. And also contains iron, calcium, phosphate and fiber, according to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

2. Prevents kidney stones.

This is one of the health benefits of beer. Many people are not aware that beer can prevent kidney stones. Some studies have found that men and women who reported drinking moderate amounts of beer were 41% less likely to develop kidney stones. Beer rich in phytochemicals that promote kidney health, such as pale ales, which are rich in hops, are important there.

3. Decreases the chances of developing diabetes.

The Journal of the European Diabetes Association has published that individuals who drink 3-4 times per week are less likely to develop diabetes than those who never drink. A study published in the same journal has revealed that men who drink beer 3-5 times a week are 21% less likely to develop diabetes than those who do not drink beer.

4. Makes Your Heart Healthy.

A preliminary study presented to the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2016 found that moderate drinkers had the slowest decline in high-density lipoproteins (HDL), or “good,” cholesterol levels. And it has been revealed that among men who have already suffered heart attacks, those who drank beer in moderation had a 42% lower chance of end life from heart disease.

5. Cleans Your Teath.

Health Benefits of Beer.

Bacteria grow on our teeth every day. According to a study published in the journal Biomedicine and Biotechnology beer can prevent bacteria from forming and growing on your teeth. Researchers show that beer extract blocks the activity of bacteria that form biofilms and promote tooth decay and gum disease. Therefore, cleaning teeth with beer is a very good idea. This is also one of the health benefits of beer.

6. Prevents cholesterol.

Beer is a very good drink for cholesterol control. Nowadays, many people are getting treatment for cholesterol. Beer contains soluble fiber, which helps lower your LDL or high cholesterol levels. Piedmont Healthcare reports that increasing your soluble fiber intake has many health benefits, including promoting healthy sugar and cholesterol levels.

7. Strengthens your bones.

Have you ever heard that drinking beer strengthens your bones? A review in the International Journal of Endocrinology found that moderate beer consumption increased bone density in men.

So we think these facts should give you some idea about the health benefits of beer


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